How to Download UAN Card?
Since its introduction in 2014 by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), UAN has made pf accounts much more accessible to the epfo members at large. The full form of UAN is Universal Account Number and it helps in maintaining a single pf account of employees over the course of their changing employment. Hence, it avoids the creation of multiple pf accounts for a single individual. Moreover, it is only after the UAN activation that employees can check their pf balance online. In association with the UAN is the UAN card. In this blog, we discuss what the uan card is, what it consists of and how you can download UAN card online from the EPFO portal. Additionally, there’s also an option to print UAN card, to keep a physical copy at hand. So, let’s dive in!
What is UAN Card?
UAN Card is the card containing the Universal Account Number and other details of an employee. It is an identifying tool. Moreover, it allows easy access to the UAN details and, in turn, pf details to the employees enrolled in the EPFO scheme. The UAN is generated by the EPFO through the first employer usually. So, the UAN card comes handy when an employee changes the place of work. With that said, it can also be considered an integral part of the online pf registration process.
As an employee, after you download UAN card, you can just furnish it to your new employer. This will allow them to link your member IDs for the previous and current place of employment, maintaining uniformity. Now that we have covered what UAN card means, let’s see how to download UAN card and print it.
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How to download UAN Card ONline?
You can download the UAN card online by accessing the EPFO member portal. Here’s a step- by-step breakdown on how you can download UAN card:
Step 1: Visit the portal
To get UAN card, the first step is to visit the portal by clicking here. Then, use your UAN and password to login to the member portal. However, for that, you’ll have to create EPFO member login ID and activate UAN.
Step 2: Click on UAN Card
Once you have logged in, from the ‘View’ tab, select ‘UAN Card’. You’ll be redirected to a screen where you can see your UAN card preview.
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Step 3: Download and Print UAN card
The preview will give you two options:
- Download UAN card in PDF version; and
- Print UAN card (physical copy)
You can choose one and either print UAN card to keep its hard copy with you all the time, like a PAN card. OR, you can download UAN card pdf and keep a soft copy version in your electronic device. The UAN card will allow you to easily access the varied benefits of pf.
Contents of Member UAN Card
By now, it’s evident that uan card is important for the employees that are covered under the scope of pf applicability. However, it’s the contents of the UAN card that make it so important. The information that it carries, makes the accessibility of pf accounts much better for the employees. Let’s see what UAN card consists of:
- Name of the Employee;
- Universal Account Number (UAN);
- Know Your Customer (KYC) verification update;
- QR Code; and
- Date Stamp
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The information contained in the UAN card makes it even more important to download and print your UAN card. This makes all the services of EPFO portal accessible for the members. So, if you need any help with getting your UAN card, feel free to contact
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get UAN card offline?
No, you can get UAN card online on the EPFO portal. To get the UAN card offline, you’ll have to print the card from the portal after logging in.
How to find uan number using pan card?
To get UAN number using the PAN card, visit the EPFO member portal, login. Then, click on “Know your UAN”. Enter your name, PAN and other details and verify with registered number. You UAN will be displayed on the screen.
How to get uan card?
To get UAN card, login to member portal after UAN activation. Then, click on view UAN from the tab in your profile. Voila, get access to the preview of UAN card.
How to check pf balance with uan number?
You can check the PF balance and download your Passbook after logging in to the member portal using your activated UAN and password.
Can I change UAN card details?
Yes, you can apply for the any modifications in the name or other employee details of the UAN card.
How can I change UAN card detail?
Login to the portal with your UAN card detail and password. Then, from the ‘modify’ section of the tab, click on ‘modify basic details’.

Diksha Shastri
As a writer, Diksha aims to make complex legal subjects easier to comprehend for all. As a Lawyer, she assists startups with their legal and IPR drafting requirements. To understand and further spread awareness about the startup ecosystem is her motto.