Documents Required for One Person Company Registration
A One Person Company (OPC) is a subcategory of a private limited company. This concept is comparatively new in India and was introduced to allow solo venturers to go on a corporate journey. Getting online OPC registration is as easy as getting any other company registration. However, there are numerous requirements of the MCA to allow opc registration such as documents, forms, proofs, etc. This article consists of a detailed guide on the one person company registration documents requirement. So, before you move ahead with the process, you can know the documents required for OPC registration and keep them handy!
Prerequisites for One Person Company Registration Documents
As OPC is a type of a private company, it shares all the benefits such as limited liability and perpetual succession. However, there are certain mandatory requirements of one person company registration documents that need to be fulfilled before you can go ahead with the OPC registration process. These prerequisites include:
One Subscriber
An OPC needs to have one subscriber to the MOA while incorporation. This means there is only one shareholder and director of a one person company.
Appointment of Nominee
Another mandatory one person company registration documents requirement is free consent of a nominee. Since there is only one owner of the OPC, it is mandatory for that owner to appoint a nominee who will take care of the business after the passing of the owner.
Unique Company Name
For all types of companies in India, it is mandatory to have a unique company name. Hence, it is important to choose a company name wisely. This means that the name must also not infringe upon any existing trademarks.
Documents required for opc registration
The one person company registration documents requirement can be classified into two different parts:
- Documents from Individuals; and
- Documents required for the registered office
We will take a look at both these types of documents required for opc registration below.
Documents required from the Individuals for OPC registration
The individuals involved in opc registration are the shareholder, director and nominee. The following documents are required from these individuals:
Identity Proof
The MCA conducts verification of the individual to check if they are fit to conduct business. As a result, you need to submit:
PAN Card
A self attested copy of the PAN card is mandatory. Further, you need to remember that once you submit the PAN, it will become your primary verification. Hence, ensure to use all your details as per your PAN.
Voter’s ID/ Passport/ Driver’s License
For the verification, you will have to submit a scanned copy of Election Card, Ration card, or Aadhaar card, etc. as a part of the one person company registration documents. However, the details of these need to be in sync with the details of your PAN.
Address Proof
To give a proof of the residence of the individual as documents required for opc registration, you will have to submit a utility bill no older than 2 months. For this purpose, a utility bill includes :
- Bank statement;
- Telephone or Mobile Bill; and
- Electricity or Gas Bill.
Passport Size Photographs
The individuals including the nominee of opc need to submit three copies each of their passport size photographs as a one person company registration document.
Documents required for registered office of OPC
All companies registered in India must have their registered office address in India. This is also referred to as their principal place of business. For the purpose of registering an office address the following OPC registration documents are required:
- Registered Sale Deed of the Property (if applicable);
- Electricity Bill/Property Tax Bill/Telephone Bill (for the full address of the property);
- NOC from Landlord (if the property is rented); and
- Copy of Rent Agreement (if applicable).
During the opc registration process, the registrar might feel the need to call for more documents for verification. At that point in time, you will have to furnish all such documents. Further, while submitting the documents required for OPC registration, it is important to submit the documents in a clean scanned copy per the format prescribed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. To avoid any queries from the registrar related to the documents for one person company registration, you can just relax and let experts at take care of the process!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it compulsory for OPC to conduct Annual General Meeting?
No, it is not mandatory for one person companies to hold AGM.
Is PLC better or OPC?
This completely depends on the type of business you are looking to build. If you want to run a small scale business, OPC is a better option. However, if you want to run a scalable business and might look for fund raising in the near future, PLC is a better option.
Can OPC have 2 Directors?
Yes, an OPC can have a maximum of 15 Directors in its Board of Directors. However, it can only have one member.
Can OPC have 2 shareholders?
No, a one person company cannot have 2 shareholders. It can only be held by one person.

CS Prachi Prajapati
Company Secretary with a forte in content writing! Started as a trainee, she is now leading as a Content Writer and a Product Developer on technical hand of The author finds her prospect to carve out a valuable position in Legal and Secretarial field.