Understanding Multi Class Trademark Application under Class 99
Protecting the identity of your brand is integral to ensuring the growth of your business. Online Trademark Registration provides legal protection against unauthorized use of the registered brand name. You can register a trademark on the basis of the types of goods and/or services you are dealing in. To register the brand under the trademark, you must know the correct class of trademark. Chances are, you are eligible for multi class trademark registration. Hence, it will be a tedious process to file each of the applications separately. That’s when multi class trademark application comes into the picture. When you apply for a class 99 trademark, you can apply for as many classes as you want. So, in this blog, we cover the multi class application for registration of trademark.
What is a multi class trademark application?
A multi class trademark application is a special application available online, on the IP India portal. It allows an applicant of trademark to file a single application using class 99 trademark. The key benefit of applying for multi class trademark registration is that it allows you to secure protection in multiple classes, without going through the hassle of keeping a track of separate applications. You can easily file a multi class application for registration of a trademark if you know how to register a brand name in India.
Example for class 99 trademark
Let’s take the example of “Unilever”. Unilever has acquired trademark registration in all the classes in which its products fall. Therefore, multi class application for registration of trademark is required when you have business in relation to different types of goods and services.
How to get multi class trademark registration?
For multi class trademark application you can apply it in two ways.
- First – individual application in each class; and
- Second – a trademark class 99 application. In trademark class 99 application, an applicant can apply in more than one class in a single application.
Also Read: Documents required for Trademark Registration
Key elements of trademark multi class application
The intention to file a trademark class 99 application is to get trademark registration in multiple classes through a single trademark application. Below are the essential characteristics of a trademark under multi class registration, which will help you decide how impactful a trademark class 99 application is for your product
1. Single application
The trademark class 99 application is a single application for more than one trademark class. Hence all the classes will be evaluated and processed jointly. You can even use our trademark class search tool to check all applicable classes for your multi class application for registration of trademark.
2. Easy to file
It will be a tedious and time-consuming process to file each of the applications separately. Besides, the information will be accurate in filing a single application for multiple classes. Hence, there will be less documentation in a trademark class 99 application.
3. Trademark application fees
There will be no difference in the government fees for a trademark application. The fees will be the same for both separate applications for each class and a single trademark class 99 application. The fees will be Rs. 4500/- per class for proprietor or MSME or Startup applicant and Rs. 9000/- per class for other applicants.
Also Read: Different types of trademarks in India
4. Delay in the process due to a single application
As it is a single application for all classes, the whole application will come to a halt if there is issue in any of the selected classes. For example, an applicant files a trademark class 99 application for 5 classes. The entire application may not proceed ahead if the trademark registry finds issue in any one of the classes. The trademark registry will process the entire application only when every objection or query in the whole application is resolved. Hence, if there is a doubt about the availability of the brand in one of the classes then it is better to file separate trademark applications for all classes.
5. Rejection of an application
If the trademark registry issues any objection or if any third party opposes the trademark application in one of the classes which do not get cleared then the whole application (consisting of multiple classes) will be rejected even if the brand can be registered in other classes. Therefore, to avoid rejection due to unnecessary opposition, the applicant shall pursue trademark filing with different trademark applications for each class. Furthermore, it is always advisable to get professional assistance for filing a trademark application for trademark registration to avoid erroneous trademark filings and to anticipate objection under section 9.
6. Trademark must be in use in each class
The applicant must use the trademark in each class in which registration is taken. There is a possibility that the applicant may pursue a trademark for various classes but does not carry on business in all classes. In such a case, the trademark registry may cancel the registration. Hence, the applicant will not be able to enjoy trademark registration for a product which is not a part of their business activity.
Advantages of multi class trademark registration
Cost effectiveness
Even though the government fees in a class 99 trademark application is the same as the other ones, the professional charges and overall expenses are reduced.
Simplified registration
In a multi class application, you will only have to worry about the documents and objections for one single application. Moreover, only one application number will also be generated, making it easier to keep and maintain the records.
Flexibility for growth
When you already have a multi class trademark registration, you will not have to think twice before increasing product or service diversity in your business. Hence, class 99 trademarks usually provide flexibility for growth.
Time saving
Multiple trademark applications save a lot of your time as compared to filing individual applications in each applicable class.
Disadvantages of class 99 trademark
Sometimes, a multi class application for registration of trademark will create uncertainty as to the total scope of protection over the said mark. Since it covers a lot of services or products, chances are, you may miss out on the specific product or service.
Timeline for registration
In a multi class application, another downfall is the extension in the timeline for trademark registration. If your application is objected to in one or few of the classes on the relative grounds of refusal, your registration is hampered in other classes as well until the objection gets resolved.
Difficulty in enforcing rights
Enforcement of rights for a trademark registered under class 99 may be more challenging. The reason being limitation of scope of protection and even difficulties in monitoring the trademark.
If the product or service falls under multiple trademark class list, then the applicant must register the trademark under all such classes. Otherwise, others may register a similar brand name under other classes. If the brand name is unique then one may apply it through a trademark class 99 application. And if not then it is better to apply it separately for all classes. To seek expert advice for any services related to trademark registration in India, you can contact us at support@legalwiz.in.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I register a trademark in multiple classes?
Yes, you can register a single trademark in multiple classes by using the trademark class 99 application from NICE Classification.
Can I use one trademark for multiple products?
Yes, a single trademark can be used for a different category of products or services.
What are the fees for Class 99 Trademarks?
The fees to file a multi class registration of trademark depends on the number of classes included. You’ll have to pay the government fees of Rs. 4500/- per class.

Rohan Sharma
Rohan Sharma is a lawyer with a flair for writing. Rohan has a special interest in the domain of Intellectual Property Rights and possesses an extensive experience in the fields of trademarks, copyrights and industrial designs. Aiming to understand the intricacies of law as a concept and its symbiosis with advancing technology and changing societies, the author seeks to examine the nuances of law.
If we have registered a trademark application in 5 Classes and we want to continue in only 2 classes which form and procedure we should follow?
Hi Ashish, all that’s required is for you to write a letter of withdrawal (MIS-W) stating the classes you want your trademark removed from. I hope this helps, please reach out to us in case of anything else!